Monday, 1 April 2013

Saturday March 23: Urbis Design Day

I don’t know if it’s because I am getting busier now at work and don’t pay enough attention to catered events that get spammed to my email, or that there have been very few lately. But it would seem that I’ve hit a massive dry spell in the ‘free food’ events department.

I was hoping that this year’s Urbis Design Day would end all this with a great canapĂ© overload, but I was totally disappointed. Unlike previous years, where the nibbles were plentiful and the Champaign was free flowing, this year’s Design Day was lack lustre. I was lucky that I managed to get a couple of free passes to the Design Day (thanks to Resene Paint – I will never specify another brand again) so I really can’t complain, but I was one of the public that bought my $40 (or so) pass, I would be pretty pissed (and not because there was too much wine).

First of all, there were only about six venues. In previous years you had to plan your day properly and pick the ones you wanted to go to, because you may not end up seeing everything. This year I hit all venues, plus went off for an extended BBQ lunch, and got home before 5.

Most venues didn't even have nibbles, which was the sole reason I went. I mean, lets be honest, if I wanted to see a tap sample I could easily ask them to bring it into the office. I wanted mini burgers and meatballs on a stick. Sure if their nibbles are good enough I could possibly specify a product of theirs (probably not because it will be cost engineered out).

Because of the lack in food, I only took one photo. This was of a mini roast beef sandwich with horse radish at the Mini (as in the car manufacturer) garage. They served them with Red Bull (not alcohol!)
Other venues had cheese and salami with bread and one place had Peroni beer, but nothing really like the last time I went.

Mini Roast Beef Sandwich

Bring back the chocolate fondue and the tasting shed! Hopefully next year they will step up again and deliver.